• 2022-05-29
    What does the Edenic myth reveal?( )
    A: It reveals climate change is unpredictable.
    B: It reveals our desire to return to some simpler, more innocent era.
    C: It reveals an endearing desire to keep climate changed.
    D: It reveals that we are easy with the unsought powers we now have to change the global climate.
  • B


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      Global Reading: What’s the main idea of the passage A: Climate change is a big problem B: There are many things we can do to make a difference. C: We have to be smart about using electricity D: Knowledge is powe

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      What can we learn about the climate in VancouverVancouver is attractive for its ______ climate.

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      It means that the process of the earth getting gradually warmer, leading to climate change, cannot now be stopped, whatever we do.

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      78. Unfortunately, one effect of climate change will be more extreme weather like this. A: Extreme weather results in climate change. B: Climate change results in more extreme weather. C: Extreme weather affects climate change. D: Extreme weather has nothing to do with climate change.

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      More and more people are becoming increasingly aware that climate change affects every __________ of our lives.