• 2022-05-28
    Portia in The Merchant of Venice is full of wit.
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      Antonio, Bassanio and Portia are the characters in ______. A: The Merchant of Venice B: Much Ado About Nothing C: Twelfth Night D: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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      The famous trial scene between Portia and Shylock comes from ______. A: A Midsummer Night's Dream B: Twelfth Night C: The Merchant of Venice D: As You Like It

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      The famous trial scene between Portia and Shylock comes from_________. A: A Midsummer Night's Dream B: Twelfth Night C: The Merchant of Venice D: As You lake It

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      Make a comment on Portia in The Merchant of Venice.

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      In the Merchant of Venice, Shylock is a ( ).