• 2022-05-28
    3.2 Lecture: Culturally loaded words3.2.1 Definition of culturally loaded words: Words or terms that carry ______ information and the meanings of ______ words in two languages are ______ exactly the same.
  • cultural:)equivalent:)not


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      What is a synonym? 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确答案。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: Two words that sound the same. B: Words that have the same meaning.

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      What words are the prominent words? A: the first words of a sentence B: the words that carry the meaning of the sentence C: the words that are the least important words and ideas D: the words that have one syllable

    • 2

      Two words are ______ if they are spelled the same way but differ

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      中国大学MOOC: A ______ is a clever and amusing use of a word or phrase with two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings.

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      The author states that English is a rich language because_____. A: it borrows a lot of words from other languages B: there are minor differences between even equivalents C: the old words and the new words are blended<br/>together D: its words are grouped according to their differences in meanings