• 2021-04-14
    What’s the price of that _______ of potatoes?
  • sack


    • 0

      Let's __________ the bad potatoes from the basket.

    • 1

      The share exchange ratio is defined as A: Offer price for the target divided by the acquirer's share price B: Offer price for the target divided by the target's share price C: Acquirer's share price divided by the target's share price D: Target's share price divided by the offer price E: Acquirer's share price divided by the offer price

    • 2

      - What kind of food do you like best? A: chicken and potato B: chickens and potato C: chicken and potatoes D: chickens and potatoes

    • 3

      What is the _______ of the bag?-200 yuan. It's 30% off. A: money B: moneys C: price D: prices

    • 4

      What are the typical food for Thanksgiving A: turkey B: stuffing C: mashed potatoes D: sweet potatoes E: pumping pie F: sweet corns