• 2022-05-29
    I ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.
  • am#are#am;


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      Boy: I’m going to the school ________________ and I’ll be back in about an hour. Girl: The bookstore? Would you mind ________________ me up a couple of things? Boy: Like what? Girl: A couple of paper notebooks, and a couple of disks for my computer class. Boy: That’s no problem. Just ________________ me when I get back. Girl: I appreciate your help. I have to sit here and study for tomorrow’s test. Boy: No problem. I’m grateful to you for helping me out the other day.

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      19.下列字符串赋值方式不正确的是 A: char str[20]; str=”I am a boy!”; B: char *str ; str=”I am a boy!”; C: char *str=”I am a boy!”; D: char str[20]=” I am a boy!”;

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      If I ____ a boy, I would chase after that girl.

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      下列字符串赋值方式不正确的是( ) A: A.char str[20]; str="I am a boy!"; B: B.char *str; str="I am a boy!"; C: C.char *str="I am a boy!"; D: D.char str[20]=" I am a boy!";

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      ____________, I am sure that the boy is honest.