• 2021-04-14
    John Keats is a romantic poet whose poetry is characterized by sensual imagery.
  • 内容

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      The artistic aim of John Keats’ poetry is always to create a beautiful world of imagination as to be opposed to the sordid reality of his day.

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      Which of the following were novelists of the Romantic period in English literature? A: Jane Austen B: Mary Shelley C: John Keats D: Charles Lamb

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      _________ is undoubtedly the greatest poet Scotland has ever produced. His “Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect” is of great significance. A: John Donne B: Robert Burns C: William Wordsworth D: John Keats

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      The Romantic Age began with the publication of “The Lyrical Ballads” which was written by . A: P. B. Shelley B: John Keats C: Lord Byron D: Wordsworth and Coleridge

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      The following poets belong to the Active Romantic group except ___________. A: George Gordon Byron B: William Wordsworth C: Percy Bysshe Shelley D: John Keats