• 2022-05-30
    Credit cards are better than cash as()
    A: they can be lost or stolen
    B: they can never be lost or stolen
    C: we don’t have to fear that they will be lost or stolen
    D: we won’t lose our money even if they are lost or stolen
  • D


    • 0

      What happened to the woman A: She was sick. B: Her car was stolen C: We don’t know.

    • 1

      ---Excuse me, I wonder if you can help. I ___ my ID card.---But where did you lose it? A: have lost B: lost C: had lost D: lose

    • 2

      Shall we all drive to the party________ so we don’t get lost?

    • 3

      I will have a good time whether I ______. A: win or lose B: won or lost C: had won or lost D: would in or lose

    • 4

      We lost the football match, but we ______well have won if one of our<br/>players hadn't been hurt. A: must B: would C: should D: might