• 2021-04-14
    His occasional courtesies did not ( ) his general rudeness.
  • compensate for


    • 0

      Peter does occasional freelance work to ____ his income.

    • 1

      It was not until ( ) that ( ) to prepare his lessons. A: did his father come in; the boy began B: his father came in; the boy began C: did his father come in; did the boy begin D: his father came in; did the boy begin

    • 2

      His rudeness at the party got to the point _____ even his own son felt ashamed of him. A: why B: when C: where D: that

    • 3

      John was good at his work and he was _____ to general manager in his company.

    • 4

      His parents did not _____ to his going abroad.