• 2022-05-29
    The Wars of Roses lasted for _____ years and king _____ was replaced by king _____.
  • 30# Richard III# Henry Tudor


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      What is the Wars of Roses?

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      Martin Luther King Jr. is most well-known for his ___________, and the Martin Luther King Day is to memorize him. A: campaigns to end racial segregation B: part in the civil wars C: contribution to the independence of the country D: achievement in science discovery

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      The English Civil War is also called ______. A: the Cromwell War B: the Puritan Revolution C: the Hundred Years' War D: the Wars of the Roses

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      The English Civil War is also called ________ . A: the Puritan Revolution B: the Chartist Movement C: the Wars of the Roses D: the Hundred Years' War

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      In Ben Johnson's later years he became the “literary king” of his time.()