• 2022-05-29
    Which of the following pigments is a not endogenous pigment?
    A: hemosiderin
    B: lipofuscin
    C: bilirubin
    D: carotene
  • D


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      Through spectral analysis of Yangshao culture pigments, the most prominent element in the red pigment was _____. A: tin B: silicon C: copper D: iron

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      Which of the following is not the characteristic of pigment epithelial cells. A: Derived from neuroectoderm B: Contains a lot of melanin particles C: Phagocytic function D: Storages vitamin A E: Can synthesize visual pigment

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      which of following do not belong to pathogenic variations of the endogenous genes ( ) A: gene amplification B: abnormal gene expression C: invasion of the foreign genes D: gene arrangement E: point mutation

    • 3

      Which nutrient is not an important source of fresh vegetables and fruits? A: Vitamin C B: Carotene C: Riboflavin D: Proteins

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      According to the instructor, what characteristic should a pigment have A: Ability to be applied at any temperature B: Ability to dry quickly after application C: No loss of strength when dissolved D: No harmful reaction with other pigments