• 2022-05-29
    The original meaning of "shrewd" is "evil" or "wickedness" while modern meaning is "clever", this belongs to ______ of word-meaning.
    A: degradation
    B: elevation
    C: extension
    D: narrowing
  • B


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      What is the original meaning of the word “Drone”?

    • 1

      What are the basic meanings of a word? A: Lexical meaning B: Grammatical meaning C: Associative meaning D: Collocative meaning

    • 2

      When a word changes from a specific to a general meaning, it goes through extension of meaning.()

    • 3

      The word autonomy in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to? A: independence B: selfishness C: evil D: romance

    • 4

      There are two forms of changes in word meaning, one is meaning d_____, the other is meaning shift.