• 2022-05-29
    Because economic profits are eliminated in the long run in monopolistic competition, to make an economic profit, firms continuously develop and market new products。(
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      当厂商知道在长期它们的经济利润为零时,它们为什么还进入这个行业?Why do firms enter an industry when they know that in the long run economic profit will be zero?

    • 1

      Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market A: Firms" products are different. B: The competitors never earn economic profits. C: Barriers to entry into the market are nonexistent.

    • 2

      In perfect competition, ________. A: there are restrictions on entry into the market B: firms in the market have advantages over firms that plan to enter the market C: only firms know their competitors' prices D: there are many firms that sell identical products

    • 3

      Which of the following characteristics is common to monopolistic competition and perfect competition? A: Firms produce identical products. B: Entry barriers into the industry are low. C: Each firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve. D: Firms take market prices as given.

    • 4

      Which is the market structure in which many manufacturers produce and sell products that are different yet substitutable? A: Perfect competition B: Perfect monopoly C: Monopolistic competition D: Oligopoly