• 2022-05-29
    The common host of psoroptic mange are( )
    A: Sheep
    B: Buffalo
    C: Goat
    D: Cow
  • A,B


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      The drug generally used to treat mange of cattle and sheep is( ) A: Gentamicin B: Chloramphenicol C: Ivermectin D: Albendazole

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      Grape is to wine as () A: olive is to oil B: cranberry is to red C: bread is to pudding D: beef is to cow E: sheep is to shepherd

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      Kazakhstan is the land of “Pegasus”, which is a winged ( ) in Turkic mythology and is also in state emblems. A: sheep B: horse C: dog D: cow

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      I don't think I deserve to be made ________ for a couple of bad results.( ) A: the mild lamb B: the black goat C: the black sheep D: the scapegoat

    • 4

      I needed more money and so I decided to take the ______ by the horns<br/>and ask my boss for more pay.() A: bull B: cow C: goat D: wolf