• 2022-05-29
    ( )describe the content of a job.
    A: Job Specification
    B: Job Forecasting
    C: Job Supply
    D: Job Description
  • D


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      Susan is thinking about applying for a job with the Neltzer Company, but wants to make sure she has the correct credentials necessary to fill the position. She could get a good idea of the necessary qualifications by looking at the __________ for the position. A: job specification B: is based on objective criteria, while the job specification is based on subjective factors C: job classification D: is used to describe management positions, and the job specification is used for other types of employees

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      The job specification states the credentials necessary to qualify for the job position. Credentials include .

    • 2

      What are the main parts of a job ad? () A: Introduction to the company B: Job description (vacancy/job title/job position) C: Job responsibilities D: Qualifications &experiences E: Salary and benefits F: Ways to apply

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: In a job advertisement, special instructions like _______ give job description states a job title and explains responsibilities.

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      Writing a competencies-based job description typically involves compiling a list of job duties.