• 2022-05-29
    The main structure(s) of research paper are (is):
    A: Results , Discussion
    B: methods
    C: introduction
    D: Conclusion
  • A,B,C,D


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      中国大学MOOC:"Generally speaking, the presentation structure does not need to follow the order of the paper structure: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.";

    • 1

      When results of a research appear in a paper in combination with ______, the author could point out the limitations of this research and recommend further research. A: Conclusion B: Discussions C: Introduction D: Literature review

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      It is in this section that you fully interpret and evaluate your results: A: . Discussion B: . Results C: . Introduction D: . Methods

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      In the first 6 lectures, you got to know the basic structure of academic writing, including ( ). A: an introduction and a main body B: an introduction and a conclusion C: a main body and a conclusion D: an introduction, a main body and a conclusion

    • 4

      Which of the following statements is not true about an academic research paper? A: The information in the results section highlights the key findings of the research. B: The discussion section often relates the current research to earlier research by other researchers. C: The discussion section is subjective. D: Conclusion is more specific than results.