• 2022-05-29
    You write a cover letter to______.
    A: Introduce yourself to the editor
    B: Introduce your paper to the editor
    C: Recommend reviewers to the editor
    D: Oppose reviewers to the editor
  • B,C,D


    • 0

      From the letter, we know that________. A: The editor agrees with Jason Smith B: The editor likes the electronic equipment ads C: The editor doesn't like the electronic equipment ads D: Jason Smith don't like the electronic equipment ads

    • 1

      对于SharedPreferences存储,下面说法正确的是( ) A: SharedPreferences pref = new SharedPreferences()。 B: Editor editor = new Editor()。 C: SharedPreferences只能存储字符串类型数据。 D: Editor对象存储数据最后都要调用commit()/apply()方法。

    • 2

      Letters to the editor:

    • 3

      在SharedPreferences的方法中,使用()方法可以得到一个编辑器Editor对象,然后通过这个Editor对象存储数据。 A: editor() B: getEditor() C: edit() D: getEdit ()

    • 4

      This room is ______. A: the editor’s-in-chief’s office B: the editor-in-chief office C: the editor-in-chief’s office D: the editor’s-in-chief office