• 2022-05-29
    The time of the first delivery should be ( )
    A: Early response
    B: Diagnosis of early pregnancy
    C: at 12 weeks
    D: at 16 weeks
  • B


    • 0

      The meeting will be held in ______. A: two weeks' time B: two week's time C: two weeks time

    • 1

      What<br/>is the latest stage at which a new recruit to a company should first<br/>be issued with a copy of the company's health and safety policy<br/>statement?() A: On<br/>accepting the position with the company B: As<br/>early as possible after employment C: After<br/>the first few weeks of employment D: During<br/>the final selection interview

    • 2

      I will give you________ to finish it. A: two weeks time B: two week’s time C: two week time D: two weeks’ time

    • 3

      The fetal lungs are capable of breathing after ( ). A: 20 weeks' gestational age B: 24 weeks' gestational age C: 28 weeks' gestational age D: 32 weeks' gestational age E: 16 weeks' gestational age

    • 4

      You will be given _____ to finish it, which I admit is quite a task. A: two weeks time B: two week’s time C: two-week time D: two weeks’ time