• 2022-05-29
    My trousers are_____ .I need a new pair .
    A: wore out
    B: worn out
    C: wearing out
    D: sold out
  • B


    • 0

      ________ after a long walk, Mike said he couldn’t go to the party. A: Having worn out B: Be worn out C: To wear out D: Worn out

    • 1

      when I bought my new glasses, they ____ a free pair of sunglasses. A: threw in B: threw away C: threw out

    • 2

      — Frog, Mo Yan’s novel,please! — Sorry,it _______ just now.But it will come out again soon. A: A.had been sold out B: B.is sold out C: C.has sold out D: D.was sold out

    • 3

      My cell phone has been ___________ fashion. I want to buy a new one. A: in B: out C: into D: out of

    • 4

      These houses ____ well and I think they will _____ in a few days. A: are sold, have been sold out B: sell, be sold out C: sell, sell D: are sold, be sold