• 2022-05-29
    In the lecture, we have mentioned _____ kinds of essay structure of comparison and contrast.
    A: two
    B: three
    C: four
    D: five
  • B


    • 0

      There are two basic patterns to organize the details of your comparison/ contrast essay: __________.

    • 1

      Three roles of writing mentioned in the lecture of “An Introduction to Essay Writing” are ________.

    • 2

      In a two-minute presentation, you won’t have time to develop more than __________ main points. A: one or two B: two or three C: three or four D: four or five

    • 3

      The statement “In 2050 the world will surely be different from what it is today.” is _______ A: a comparison B: a contrast C: both a comparison and a contrast D: neither a comparison nor a contrast.

    • 4

      What are the two main patterns of organization often used in developing a comparison and contrast paragraph (essay)?