• 2022-05-29
    After defeating his father ________, Zeus assumed the role of the King of the Gods and made their home on Mount Olympus.
    A: Uranus
    B: Cyclops
    C: Pontus
    D: Cronus
  • D


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      The planet Saturn is named after Cronus, father of Zeus A: 正确 B: 错误

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      中国大学MOOC: The planet Saturn is named after Cronus, father of Zeus

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      With lightening bolt as his weapon, and scepter in his hands, Zeus was the father of both gods and human beings.

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      After dispatching Uranus, Cronus was now the ruler of the earth, and Rhea was his queen. This time was called the Silver Age.

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      After the son joined the Navy, ______. A: he made it a rule to visit his father’s office each time he came home B: his father went with him on holidays C: his father started to introduce his son to his co-workers D: his father would like his son to visit his office each time he came home