• 2022-05-30
    Understanding that we all have __________ is a key to understanding how culture shapes our perception.
    A: preconceptions
    B: prejudice
    C: stereotypes
    D: self-confidence
  • A


    • 0

      We all have been (deep) ___________ impressed by Fran's understanding of the Internet of Things.

    • 1

      When writing well-formed claims, we should “align with our audience”. This means:__ A: We adapt our claims so they agree with the audience’s understanding; B: We convince our audience so they agree with our understanding; C: We seek common ground and try to persuade our audience from there; D: None of the above.

    • 2

      When we finish reading the book, we will have ____ better understanding of life.

    • 3

      People do research in order to have a better understanding of our world.

    • 4

      We have much__1__(difficult) understanding what he says.