• 2022-05-30
    Recently, he has lost all his ______.
    A: wages and saving at card
    B: wages and savings at card
    C: wage and savings at cards
    D: wages and savings at cards
  • D


    • 0

      He risked (invest) ______ his savings in a business enterprise.

    • 1

      Recently, he has lost all his _____.

    • 2

      These banks went out of business and as a result, millions of people lost all their (). A: checks B: savings

    • 3

      Most of his savings ________ in the China bank.

    • 4

      The neoclassical growth model predicts conditional convergence for countries with the same population growth, level of technology, and A: a higher savings rate B: a lower savings rate C: the same savings rate D: all of the above E: none of the above