• 2022-05-30
    Motivated sequence is often used in __________ speech.
    A: informative
    B: persuasive
    C: informative and persuasive
    D: none of the above
  • B


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      A speech on the topic of introducing Chinese tea culture can be classified into ( ). A: Informative speech B: Entertainment speech C: Persuasive speech

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      Creating goodwill is especially important in the introduction of a(n) __________ speech. A: commemorative B: acceptance C: persuasive D: informative

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      中国大学MOOC: The following verbs are often used to indicate the purpose of a piece of writing. In terms of purpose, academic writing can be categorized into two distinct types: persuasive and informative writing. Decide whether each verb suggests a persuasive or informative purpose. The verb describe suggests a ________ purpose.

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      Thetoneofthisarticleis____() A: informative B: ironic C: persuasive D: narrative

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      Which of the following methods of organization works both for informative speeches and persuasive speeches?