• 2022-05-30
    In _____, nodding your head up and down means “yes”, while in some parts in ______, this motion can mean “no.” But in ______, nodding your head is a polite way to say “I heard you.”
    A: the United States; southeast Asia and China; Greece and Turkey;
    B: Greece and Turkey; southeast Asia and China; the United States;
    C: the United States; Greece and Turkey; southeast Asia and China
    D: Greece and Turkey; the United States; southeast Asia and China
  • C


    • 0

      下面哪一项完全属于新世界葡萄酒国家?( ) A: New Zealand、United States、Greece、China B: Spain、Portugal、Hungary、Chile C: Canada、Germany、France、South Africa D: China、Chile、United States、New Zealand

    • 1

      The two largest emitters of carbon dioxide are: A: China and the United States B: China and the United Kingdom C: Canada and the United States D: Mexico and the United States

    • 2

      Which countries reached an agreement at a United Nations conference A: The United States, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. B: The United States, China, Japan, Brazil and South Africa. C: The United States, China, India, New Zealand and South Africa. D: The United States, China, India, Brazil and Kore

    • 3

      In English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, England, and the United States, as well as some countries like Vietnam in Southeast Asia, many people have middle names. A: simple B: compound C: complex D: compound-complex

    • 4

      Who replaced turkey as the official national symbol of the United States? A: eagle B: swan