• 2022-05-30
    Moore's law means _____.
    A: The power of integrated transistors on a chip doubles every year, and so does its computing power.
    B: The power of integrated transistors on a chip doubles every two years, and so does its computing power.
    C: The power of integrated transistors on a chip doubles every 18 months, and so does its computing power;
    D: The power of integrated transistors on a chip doubles every six months, and so does its computing power.
  • C


    • 0

      ‍下列哪个句子最符合科技英语写作规范?‏ A: The loudspeaker, an electroacoustic transducer, converts audio-frequency power into acoustic power. B: The loudspeaker; an electroacoustic transducer; converts audio-frequency power into acoustic power. C: The loudspeaker—an electroacoustic transducer, converts audio-frequency power into acoustic power. D: The loudspeaker—an electroacoustic transducer; converts audio-frequency power into acoustic power.

    • 1

      Currently, we don’t need to care too much about ( ) of the system. A: computing power B: memory capacity C: size, weight D: power consumption

    • 2

      The resolution of a microscope refers to () A: Its power to increase an object’s apparent size B: its ability show detail clearly C: its series of interchangeable objective lenses D: its power to scan the surface of an object

    • 3

      Electric power is an indispensable energy on board, so _____ plays a role in distribution, conversion and control of electric power on board. A: power supply unit B: distribution device C: power network D: load

    • 4

      Why does the professor say this: A: To explain why dictators have so much power B: To distinguish between leaders and power holders C: To compare qualities of dictators and robbers D: To warn students about the presence of danger