• 2022-05-30
    What is a possible negative effect of olestra according to some critics
    A: it may impair the digestive system.
    B: It may affect the overall fat intake.
    C: It may increase the risk of cancer.
    D: It may spoil the consumers' appetite.
  • C


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      5. What is the adverse impact of the increasing use of antibiotics in man’s early life?___________ A: It may reduce the risk of developing allergic diseases in his later life. B: It may keep the balance of a healthy condition in his later life. C: It may increase the risk of cancer in his later life. D: It may break the balance of friendly germs to unfriendly germs in his later life.

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      According to the passage, what may be anegative effect of living off-grid?

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      For some mothers, saying good-bye to grown children may bring negative effect on their marriage.

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      What kind of business card may have a negative effect on the card owner?_______ cards.

    • 4

      If we eat more ________________, we may reduce our risk of cancer.