• 2022-05-31
    (5) How often should a baby with two months be fed?
    A: A. Every 2 hours.
    B: B. Every 4 hours.
    C: C. Every 1 hours.
    D: D. Every 6 hours.
  • B


    • 0

      3. How many hours of exercise in a week is advised by the speake A: At least two hours. B: At least two and a half hours. C: At least three hours. D: At least three and a half hours.

    • 1

      7. How many hours a day of sleep does the doctor recommend? A: Six or seven hours B: Nine or ten hours. C: Four or five hours.

    • 2

      How many hours on average do Americans read a week according the survey? A: 10.7 hours. B: 4.1 hours. C: 3.1 hours. D: 5.35 hours.

    • 3

      How many hours can international students work during school breaks? A: Twenty hours B: More than twenty hours. C: Thirty hours. D: Not mentioned

    • 4

      Two hours (be) ____________ a short period of time during the working hours.