• 2022-05-31
    Minority interest is:
    A: The net assets of a subsidiary attributable to others outside the group.
    B: None of above.
    C: Minority shareholders of the parent company.
  • A


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      The practice of Islam is concentrated mainly in Chinese ethnic minority groups, such as Hui group. ( )

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      When an existing company establishes a new company or firm and keeps majority shares with itself, it is called a parent company. This new company or firm is called a ___________. A: holding company B: subsidiary C: joint venture D: Sole proprietorship

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      China’s largest ethnic minority is _________, and the most widely distributed ethnic minority is_____. A: Zhuang Ethnic Minority and Hui Ethnic Minority B: Hui Ethnic Minority and Manchu Ethnic Minority C: Zhuang Ethnic Minority and Tibetan Ethnic Minority D: Hui Ethnic Minority and and Tibetan Ethnic Minority

    • 3

      Which ethnic minority in China likes to sing in antiphonal style while drinking? A: Yugur Minority B: Zhuang Minority C: Tibetan Minority D: Miao Minority

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      ‍Which ethnic minority in China likes to sing in antiphonal style while drinking?‌ A: Yugur Minority B: Zhuang Minority C: Tibetan Minority D: Miao Minority