• 2021-04-14
    If the sender of the letter does not wish the recipient to know that other people are receiving copies of the letter, a “cc” is sent.
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      The letter to point out a mistake by the letter's recipient is called the letter of _______. A: complaint B: order C: request D: application

    • 1

      Which of the following are usually included in a letterhead of an English business letter? ( ) A: Sender’s address B: Subject of the letter C: Sender’s name D: Sender’s contact details

    • 2

      A cover letter is often sent with( ). A: A resume B: A photo C: A letter of recommendation D: An application letter

    • 3

      The relationship between the sender and receiver of the letter is that of____________.

    • 4

      On receiving the letter, he found the letter ______. A: to be opened B: opening C: open D: opened