• 2021-04-14
    ______ involves recognizing the word when it is heard,being familiar with its written form, and knowing that the word signals a particular meaning
  • Receptive knowledge


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      The ______ is the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without destroying its meaning. That is to say, it is that part of the word that remains when all the affixes are removed.

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      Which of the following is NOT correct regarding vocabulary knowledge? A: The complete knowledge of a word includes word form, meaning, and use. B: Fundamental knowledge of a word in terms of its use includes grammatical functions, collocations, and constraints on use. C: Potential vocabulary is the vocabulary that learners are familiar with due to exposure. D: Learning passive vocabulary is usually faster than free active vocabulary.

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      The relation between word and its meaning is definite.

    • 3

      The relation between word and its meaning is casual.

    • 4

      The word execute in Paragraph 3 shares its meaning of