• 2021-04-14
    Seal Script appeared in the Warring States Period. And it was formed in Qin Dynasty. Then, it became dominant in the Han dynasty and remained in use through the Wèi-Jìn periods.
  • 错误


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      he Warring States seal script in the Warring States period was also known  the      Kingdoms script, represented chiefly by the "inscriptions on drum stones".

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      Which script is an ancient script that mainly appeared on the bronze vessels during the Warring States period and pre-Qin times? A: the seal script B: the official script C: the regular script D: the running script

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      The bells, which rose in the Eastern Han Dynasty and prevailed in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, are special musical instruments in the upper class society.

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      The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine was formed in the pre -Qin Period and Qin and Han Dynasty. ( )

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      When was the Taoist religion found? A: Warring state period B: Qing Dynasty C: Eastern Han Dynasty D: Tang Dynasty