• 2021-04-14
    In collectivistic culture, independence takes precedence over dependence and individual achievement is stressed.
  • 内容

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      Not everyone in a collectivistic culture is equally collectivistic in thinking and behavior.? 正确|错误

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      The two basic types of culture mentioned in the text are individualistic culture and collectivistic culture.

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      The orientation“harmony with Nature” leads to the “Collectivistic”, which holds that an individual is regarded as a member of a ____.

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      The ________ orientation also focuses on the group, but not the group extended through time. The focus is on an individual’s most immediate group memberships. The goals of the group take precedence over those of the individual. A: value-individualism B: value-lineality C: value-collaterality

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      In the ___ culture, harmony should always be maintained and direct confrontation avoided. () A: individualistic B: collectivistic