• 2021-04-14
    If X and Y are measured in the same units and we consider a point that lies below a 45° line, then we know that for the X and Y combination associated with this point,

  • the X variable is greater than the Y variable



    • 0

      贝叶斯公式是下列哪一个 A: P(y│x)=(P(x│y)P(x))/P(y) B: P(y│x)=(P(x│y))/P(x)P(y) C: P(y│x)=(P(x│y)P(y))/P(x) D: P(y│x)=P(x)P(y)/(P(x│y) )

    • 1

      ∃ x∀ y ¬P(x , y)的否定是 A: ¬ ∀ x∃ y ¬ P(x , y) B: ∃ x ∀ y P(x , y) C: ∀ x ∃ y P(x , y) D: ∀ y∃ x P(x , y)

    • 2

      已知:Point x(3,4); 则下列声明中能定义p指针变量并使其初值指向x的是( ) 。 A: int &p=x; B: Point *p=&x; C: Point p=x; D: float *p=&x;

    • 3

      下述不是∀x∃yP(x,y)否定的是? A: ∀x∀y(﹁P(x,y)) B: ∃x ∀y (﹁P(x,y)) C: ∀x∃y(﹁P(x,y)) D: ∃x ∃y(﹁P(x,y))

    • 4

      已知 Point类,要求在该类中完成+,- 两种操作符的重载。(重写Point类)class Point{ public: Point(float x=0, float y=0, float z=0): xx(x), yy(y), zz(z){} Point(const Point& p): xx(p.xx), yy(p.yy), zz(p.zz){ } private: float xx, yy, zz;}……