• 2021-04-14
    Hadrain’s Wall was the (     ) edge of the Roman Empire.
  • northern


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      In ,the Roman Republic entered into the Roman Empire. A: 51 BC B: 27 BC C: 37 BC D: 54 AD

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      Which of the following is not in New York City? A: Wall Street B: The Empire State Empire C: NiagaraFalls D: Statue of Liberty

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      1.1The history of Roman civilization and the Roman Empire would have been ______ if the ancient Greek books on philosophy, arts, and science were not translated into ______ .

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      The Senate gave ____ the new titles of Augustus and Princeps, which marked the end of Roman Republic and the beginning of Roman Empire. A: Antony B: Lepidus C: Octavian D: Cleopatra

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      中国大学MOOC: At the peak of its power, the phrase "the empire on which the sun never sets" was often used to describe the British Empire.