• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: ______ is a fanciful and ingenious mock-heroic work or a mock epic.
  • The Rape of the Lock


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      The greatest epic produced by Milton, Paradise Lost, is written in heroic couplets. 

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      It's rude to ______ at a foreign student's mistakes in English. A: humiliate B: tease C: mock D: provoke

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      It’s rude to _______ a foreign student's mistakes in English. A: close in on B: be immersed in C: mock at D: cut back on

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      Habibie, as president, actively nurtured and helped them ______ support for his re-election. A: mock B: moan C: mobilize D: merchandize

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      Service industries, such as telecommunications and public transportation, often become the target of ridicule. A: attack B: critics C: mock D: opposition