• 2021-04-14
    ( )sentence can help us to create a sense of unity and closure to our iece of writing.
  • cncluding


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      Reading 1Read the text and choose the best answer.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage? A: Learning about colors can help us to express our ideas more clearly. B: Learning about colors can help us to control our desires. C: Leaning about colors can help us to understand ourselves and others. D: Learning about colors can help us to feel happier.

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      中国大学MOOC: Fish-bone Diagram can help us to ______ in writing a cause and effect essay.

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      中国大学MOOC: Writing speaks our minds, so we can write whatever we want in academic writing.

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      Writing speaks our minds, so we can write whatever we want in academic writing. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      Effective crisis leadership can help us regain a sense of power ________ a pandemic. A: in face of B: in terms of C: in favor of D: in light of