• 2021-04-14
    The new Constitution was singed in ( ).
  • 1787


    • 0

      Obama delivered his speech at the national constitution center in _________. A: New York B: Washington C: Chicago D: Philadelphia

    • 1

      The king was forced to _________ a new constitution which reduced his powers.() A: adjust B: adapt C: adept D: adopt

    • 2

      The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers. () A: compromise B: law C: agreement D: calender

    • 3

      In ___, under the UK Parliament'sNew Zealand Constitution Act,New Zealand was granted self-government. A: 1840 B: 1852 C: 1907 D: 1947

    • 4

      The American Constitution is the oldest national constitution in use.