• 2021-04-14
    Which title is more acceptable in English?? A Report on the Unpicking patterns of global reef biodiversity|A Research on Unpicking patterns of global reef biodiversity|On Unpicking patterns of global reef biodiversity|Unpicking patterns of global reef biodiversity
  • Unpicking patterns of global reef biodiversity


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      The Great Barrier Reef is huge and it’s clearly

    • 1

      The Great Barrier Reef is a large wonderful garden under sea which lies to the northeast of the Australian continent.

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      Listening 7 "’Library" {$mediaurl} What example does the librarian give for the assignment A: A relative comparison of home prices B: Average family income in several countries C: International business around the world D: Global economic patterns in this decade

    • 3

      Which of the following sentence patterns can be used to make a deduction from the author’s research?

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      Biodiversity doesn’t contribute to the maintenance of the biosphere in a condition which supports human and other life.