• 2021-04-14
    【单选题】I’m _____ but unfortunately we have no vacancy for that weekend. There’s a convention in town.
    A. so sorry B. unfortunately C. to be honest
  • so sorry


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      【单选题】---- May I speak to Alice ? ----______________________ A. I’m Alice speaking. B. Sorry, I’m not Alice. C. This is Alice speaking. D. Hello, I’m Alice.

    • 1

      【单选题】-How will we spend this weekend? -I skiing. A. suggest us to go B. suggest that we will go C. suggest to go D. suggest going

    • 2

      I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your _ _ _ time.

    • 3

      I‘m very sorry to have ________ you with so many questions on such an occasion.

    • 4

      I like cats but unfortunately I'm ______ to them.( ) A: devoted B: accustomed C: sensitive D: allergic