• 2021-04-14
    What are some family types revealed in Modern Family, the award-winning TV serial?? extended family|nuclear family|gay family|single-parent family
  • gay family


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      Nina from Egypt is from___. A: extended family B: nuclear family

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      Write topic sentence for the following paragraph._________________________________________________________________. The traditional family was a nuclear family (father, mother, and children) and the modern family is too. The role of the father in the traditional family was to provide for his family. Similarly, the father in the modern family is expected to do so also. The mother in the traditional family took care of the children's physical and emotional needs just as the modern mothers does.

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      The stem family and the joint family can be also called extended family.

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      18. Chinese traditional family structure is complex and belongs to the "nuclear family".

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      What does the family type of 'leave it to beaver family' exemplify? A: suburban middle-class American family B: city dwelling family C: lower-middle class family who live in the inner city area D: wealthy family