• 2021-04-14
    A. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 31,2017 B. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 25,2017 C. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 26,2017, 出运June 31,2017 D. 发票June 25,2017, 出口商声明June 25,2017,签发证June 25,2017, 出运June 31,2017
  • 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 25,2017


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      11.She went to the countryside ______.  a. in the morning at nine on June first,1968 b. on June first,1968 in the morning at nine  c. at nine in the morning on June first,1968 d. on June first,1968 at nine in the morning A: in the morning at nine on June first,1968 B: on June first,1968 in the morning at nine C: at nine in the morning on June first,1968 D: on June first,1968 at nine in the morning

    • 1

      When determining the date of shipment, "on or about June 11th" refer to ( ). A: June 6~17 B: June 6~16 C: June 7~17 D: June 7~16

    • 2

      What is the date of this Sunday A: June 12th. B: June 20th. C: June 22th.

    • 3

      如果国外发来的信用证规定装运期为“ON/ABOUT JULY 20, 2017”,根据《UCP600》的相关规定,出口人的正确理解应该是( )。 A: 在JULY 20, 2017这一天出运 B: JULY 15, 2017至JULY 25, 2017一段时间内任何一天出运 C: JULY 16, 2017至JULY 14, 2017一段时间内任何一天出运 D: 在JULY 10,2017前的任何一天

    • 4

      A.Wednesday, June 7, at 6:30 p. m.B.Wednesday, June 30,6at 7:00 p. m.C.Monday, June 10 A: Wednesday, June 7, at 6:30 p. m. B: Wednesday, June 30,6at 7:00 p. m. C: Monday, June 10, at 9:00 a. m. D: Friday, June 14, at 7:00 p. m.