• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following CANNOT describe multiculturalism?
  • monotone


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      Which of the following words cannot be used to describe today's lensesA. More delicate.C. Numerous.B. Cheaper.D. Unpopular. A: Cheaper. B: Unpopular. C: Numerous. D: Which of the following words cannot be used to describe today's lenses E: More delicate.

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      Which of the following adjectives cannot be used to describe the father? A: Helpful. B: Supportive. C: Indifferent. D: Devoted.

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      Which of the following words cannot be used to describe Shanghai? A: international B: dynamic C: backward D: modern

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      Which of the following words CANNOT be used to describe high prices? A: outrageous B: steep C: far D: expensive

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      Generally speaking, which of the following cannot describe Chinese dragon?( ) A: Benevolent. B: Auspicious. C: Legendary. D: Vicious.