• 2021-04-14
    deficiency in which of the following vitamins will lead to a functional folate deficiency?
  • B12


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      Which is not the clinical significance of emaciation? A: Fire in middle-jiao B: Qi deficiency of middle-jiao C: Phlegm-dampness retetion D: Hyperactivity of deficient fire due to yin deficiency

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      What is the main cause of uterine prolapse? A: spleen deficiency and sinking of middle energizer qi B: deficiency of qi and blood C: lung qi deficiency D: kidney qi deficiency

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      Which of the following patients is not suitable to take Xiaomi Red Dates Porridge? A: Dyspepsia B: insomnia C: Blood deficiency D: Disorder of liver qi

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      Common nutritional problems for infants and young children include? A: iron deficiency anemia B: Growth retardation caused by zinc deficiency C: deficiency caused by vitamin D rickets D: Osteomalacia caused by calcium deficiency

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      Vitamin B12<br/>is necessary for many metabolic processes. Which of the following<br/>conditions will not cause deficiency () A: Total gastrectomy B: Autoimmune destruction of gastric parietal cells C: Gastric acid deficiency caused by chronic gastritis D: Surgical resection of jejunum E: Surgical resection of ileum