• 2021-04-14
    Activity: Please write down the subtitle in the Text C and make clear the structure in the text.
    Text C Verbal Communication Style
  • Direct and Indirect Verbal Interaction Styles
    Self-Enhancement and Self-Effacement Verbal Styles Elaborate, Exacting and Succinct Styles Personal and Contextual Style Instrumental and Affective Style


    • 0

      Text structure refers to the information within a written text.​‎​

    • 1

      Expository text differs greatly from narrative text in ___________.( ) A: features B: style C: structure D: tone

    • 2

      Expository text doesn’t differ greatly from narrative text in tone, style, structure, and features.

    • 3

      Text Organization Exercises(副本) The text falls into four parts. Now go over the text and write down the main idea of each part.

    • 4

      文章结构分析 please analyze the structure of Text A