• 2021-04-14
    Software testing is _______.软件测试是______。
  • destructive


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      In the software testing phase of SDLC, which of the following attributes and capacities of the software could be tested? A: Functionality B: Reliability C: Efficiency D: All above

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      Black—box and white — box testing method are often used in software testing phase, in which, the white—box is mainly used to test software's( ). A: reasonableness of structure B: correctness of a program C: external function of a program D: internal logic of a program

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      没有计划和文档的测试通常被称为是 A: Unit testing B: Ad hoc testing C: Regression testing D: None of the mentioned

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      ‌Which of the following should be treated as a separate phase of software life cycle? ______​‌下列哪一个应该被视为软件生命周期的单独阶段? ______​ A: Testing B: Project Planning C: Implementation and integration D: Documenting