• 2021-04-14
    【单选题】2. She thought Iwas talking about her daughter, _________, in fact, I was talking about mydaughter.
    A. A, whom B. B. where C. C.which D. D. while
  • D. while


    • 0

      Talking about that is useless, () is familiar to me. A: which fact B: the fact of which C: fact D: that fact

    • 1

      D.81)Who are they talking about?_____________________________________2)Where is the person they are talking about?________________________________________________

    • 2

      Talking about that is useless, ______ is familiar to me. A: which fact B: the fact of which C: its fact D: that fact

    • 3

      The building ________ you are talking about is not Big Ben. A: that B: about which C: who D: whom

    • 4

      【单选题】--- What do you think of the waiter overthere? --- I don’t think he is a qualified one. Hewas talking __________ while taking my order. A. with a phone B. on the phone C. about a phone D. by the phone