• 2021-04-14
    TPO rules stand for dressing according to ______.? Time, place;and occasion;|Time, place and order;|Time, position and occasion;;|none of the three.
  • Time, place;and occasion;


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      “TPO”原则指什么?() A: Plan计划 B: Occasion场合 C: Time时间 D: Place地点

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      着装的基本原则之“ TPO“原则的英文含义分别为:( ) A: Occasion B: Time C: Object D: Place

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      TPOR原则中不包括()。 A: time B: place C: occasion D: rule

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      下面哪一项不属于着装的TPO原则? A: TIME”(时间) B: COLOUR(颜色) C: PLACE”(地点) D: OCCASION”(场合)

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      关于着装的TPO原则,TPO指的是: A: T指time B: O指occasion C: O指object D: P指place