• 2021-04-14
    【多选题】What are the potential safety problems on campus?
    A. Food problems.
    B. Health problems.
    C. Property problems.
    D. Psychological problems.
  • Food problems.;
    Health problems.; Property problems.; Psychological problems.


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      Look at the following cycle and tick the benefits that evaluation can bring to the whole project.Evalutions can: A: Check progress. B: identify problems and their causes. C: suggest possible solutions to problems. D: provide information and insight. E: solve problems in a timely manner.

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      What does the author mean by saying “Teenagers at risk of depression, anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign” (Lines 1-2, Para.1)? A: Mental problems can now be found in large numbers of teenagers. B: Teenagers’ mental problems are getting more and more attention. C: Teenagers’ mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed. D: Depression and anxiety are the most common symptoms of mental problems.

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      What is the finding of the new study? A: Teenagers’ lifestyles have changed greatly in recent years. B: Many teenagers resort to drugs or alcohol for mental relief. C: Teenagers experiencing psychological problems tend to use a lot of media. D: Many hitherto unobserved youngsters may have psychological problems.

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      What problems will arise as people age A: Health care system. B: Quality of life. C: Long-term health problems D: Financial difficulties.

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      Extreme diet could ___________. A: solve all the health problems B: put your health or even life at risk C: do good to both physical health and psychological health D: solve some health problems