• 2021-04-14
    The story of James Joyce's Ulysses happened on______.
  • June 16,1904#


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      Whose book is Men,<br/>Women, and Dogs?<br/>() A: Somerset Maugham’s B: James Joyce’s C: Richard Selzer’s D: James Thurber’s

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      James Joyce’s novel _______ is the prime example of a novel whose events are really the happenings of the mind .

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      James Joyce focused on_____.

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      With its advanced use of interior monologue, the novel Ulysses not only brought the reader deep into Bloom’s sometimes lurid mind but pioneered Joyce’s use of( )as a literary technique. A: portrait of life B: stream of consciousness C: Ulysses D: images

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      We can derive from this passage a conclusion that James Joyce's Ulysses A: is taught in colleges and universities all over the world. B: is admired only in colleges and universities around the world. C: is unanimously acclaimed by scholars and readers as the best. D: is routinely smuggled into the U.S. and Britain, where it is banne