• 2021-04-14
    What we should do when we want to have a good chat with someone?
  • maintain eye contactlisten carefully


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      If we want to go shopping at Taobao, what is the first step we should do?

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      We have entered the 21st century and the career ______ of the future rely more and more on possessing a good ______ , rather than a good ______ . There are three keys to unlocking a ______ and meaningful future. The first is the ability to ______ . That is, we should be able to dream about ______ we want to do in the future. Next is the ability to ______ what it will take to ______ our dream. Finally, we should be able to plan to make our future what we want ______ to be. These three keys will ______ us to an ideal tomorrow.

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      When we choose a career , what skill and( )we should have?

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      What can we say when we want to invite somebody to have lunch?

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      The sentence “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” means that _______. A: we should learn from the Romans B: we should work as the Romans do C: we should obey its customs when we are entering a country. D: we have been Romans